Please visit our new web site
Who we are?
The previously named Human Sciences Happy Hours in Phnom Penh came to life in Octobre 2008. Since then the network never stopped to grow. It now blends together an interesting mix of fields, backgrounds and levels (anthropology, history, sociology, archaeology, psychology, geography, linguistics, urbanism, criminology, political sciences… from Masters to ongoing PhDs, from confirmed academics to experimental voices…). In a continuous attempt to share research outside its walls and to bring it to the society, the door is always open to non-researchers, coming to seek for knowledge. Today almost 500 researchers and other actors (mainly from the development world) are part of our network. Each monthly event gathers 30 to 50 individuals coming to open a new window on the country, but also to build knowledge otherwise often isolated in Cambodia.
This network now presents a real platform for Social Science research in Cambodia. It has become a forum of numerous exchanges and collaborations and it provides the mean for all to share information and publications in this field.
The group HUMAN SCIENCES ENCOUNTERS IN PHNOM PENH and activities are currently coordinated by a team always happy to welcome new faces: Pascale Hancart Petitet, Emiko Stock, Gabriel Fauveaud, and Léo Mariani..
Our history
Previously named, The Human Sciences Happy Hours in Phnom Penh, this network came to life in Octobre 2008 upon the impulsion of Pascale Hancart Petitet. An anthropologist coming from India where she experienced the dynamism of informal meetings bringing researchers together to blend a more innovative research, Pascale felt quite isolated in a city where researchers from various fields, countries and experiences, seem to have weak linkages with each other. Soon enough she was joined by one, two and then more and more researchers who – just like her – where eager to share their field experiences and listen to fellows progress and advices. The first Human Science Happy Hours was launched in November 2008. The floor was given to the French historian, Mathieu Guerin and welcome a handful of anthropologists, linguists, sociologists, historians, psychologists and geographers. Two years later the HSHH will grow to sometime welcome over 50 participants to one session
Since then the network never stopped to grow
It now blends together an interesting mix of fields, backgrounds and levels (anthropology, history, sociology, archaeology, psychology, geography, linguistics, urbanism, criminology, political sciences… from Masters to ongoing PhDs, from confirmed academics to experimental voices…). In a continuous attempt to bring research to the society, the door is always open to non-researchers, coming to seek for an academic level of presentation, while still being able to apply the collected information to their work or their community.
With almost 400 researchers and additional actors mainly from the development world, each monthly event gathers 30 to 50 individuals not only to open a new window on the country, but also to build a body of knowledge often difficult to access in Cambodia.
This network now presents a real platform for Social Science research in Cambodia. It has become a forum of numerous exchanges and collaborations and it provides the mean for all to share information and publications in this field.
Want to see it by yourself? Check out our web site and browse the page Past Events, to find all abstracts of the 38 conferences organized since November 2008. And most of all: join our upcoming meeting!
Mutation process
1. Since March 2012, the network is now take venue at the Royal University of Fine Arts (RUFA) linking history of humanities in Cambodia to present, welcoming a fresh start and innovative collaboration.
2. The HUMAN SCIENCES ENCOUNTERS IN PHNOM PENH are now integrated in a new project of master of human and social sciences at RUFA (a project lead by IRD, CNRS, INALCO, UNESCO, AUF and RUFA.
3. Is activities are associated with IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement) and will receive some funding from this collaboration.
4. In order to open the floor to our non-english speaking colleagues, we now invite all researchers willing to present their work in any other language they feel comfortable with.
And in case you didn’t know it before (but we are quite sure you did already!) you are all welcome to continue to join us! We are always looking for new sharers of thoughts: presentations, research papers, impulsions and new ideas are what we feed on! (That and fresh water and love of course!). This is a first step for us to ensure that the network can survive and keep its activities and bubbling encounters alive. Soon to come, the expansion of those activities! And now and forever (yes, we do apply a long term perspective!), YOU are to shape this network by your participation! We welcome (no, we call on to!) all new energies and good spirits willing to join us!
Cheers to all,
Pascale, Emiko, Leo, and Gabriel
Come and join us, let’s learn about each other experience
and strengthen the Cambodian Human Sciences network !
I want to know what is coming up: get me registered now !
Previously in Human Sciences Happy Hours...
To be continued: upcoming events and ... what about YOU creating the event ???
HSHHPP coordinating team:
Pascale Hancart Petitet
Léo Mariani
Emiko Stock
Gabriel Fauveaud
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