Past conferences organised by the
Human Sciences Encounters in Phnom Penh
(Click on the author name and/or abstract title...)
Wednesday 28th, March. Researchers meeting
Friday 9th, March
Chenda Keo The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions
Wednesday 1st, February
Thomas Kolnberger Phnom Penh: planned and un-planned City planning and land use in Phnom Penh: looking back from “now” to “then”.
Friday 6 th January
Thierry Bouhours Crime and Criminal Violence in Cambodia: A Historical Perspective
Thursday 8th December
Nigel Field
Taing Sopheap & Judith Strasser
Intergenerational Transmission Effects of Trauma Stemming from the Khmer Rouge Regime
Wednesday 23rd, November
Henri Locard Teaching Democratic Kampuchea: "Genocide" versus "politicide"
Wednesday 26th, October
Megan Lafferty The expat life with a local wife: Western male settlement in Thailand and how state policies shape migration in the region. Some insights for Cambodia
Wednesday 19th October
Gina DMD Wijers Cambodian French returnees’ employment of social capital
Wednesday 10 August
Anne Meike Fechter ‘Living well’ while ‘doing good’? (Missing) debates on altruism and professionalism in aid work
Wednesday 22 June
Sina Emde Memory, emotion and violence in the context of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal (work in progress)
Monday 9 May
Nicolas Lainez Transacted Kinship Vietnamese Children Sold for Adoption in Cambodia
Thursday 28 April
Courtney Work The Spirits of Cambodia: New Research into Current Practice
Wednesday 16, March
Laura Mc Grew Reconciliation in Cambodia: Victims and Perpetrators Living Together in Cambodia, Apart.
Wednesday 16, February
Michael Falzer WHOSE HERITAGE? The translation of Angkor Vat for the Universal and Colonial Exhibitions in France (1889 - 1937)
Wednesday 12, January
Gregory McCann . Animism in Cambodia: Bioregionalism in Practice
No HSHH in December
Thursday 11, November
Eve Zucker. Coming Home: the odyssey of upland Khmer Villagers in the aftermath of the Khmer Rouge
Tuesday 19, October
Judy Legerwood Cambodian Village Life across War, Revolution and Globalization: Sabaay Village 1959-2009
Wednesday 4, August
Anne Guillou Healing in the clamor of history. Doctors, healers and patients in Cambodia
Thursday 15, July
Eisel Mazard The Opposite of Buddhism: European Colonialism and Interpretation
Wednesday 2, June
Franz Wong Gender Policy Practice – the Cooptation of gender and development in development projects
Wednesday 7, April
Open session
Wednesday 24, March
Nicolas Lainez Representations of Mobility and Prostitution. An Ethnographic Case Study of Vietnamese Sex Workers Migrating to Cambodia
Wednesday 10, February
Siti Keo. A Tale of Two Cities: Soth Polin and Phnom Penh During Sangkum Reastr Niyum
Wednesday 13, January
Jan Ovesen Ing Britt Trankell Working with Cambodians and their doctors
Tuesday December 11
Hancart Petitet Pascale: Abortion from an Anthropological Perspective. Reproduction Politics in Cambodia
Wednesday November 11
WEEKS John: The Economics of Comics: Cambodian Popular Culture in Three Eras.
Monday October 26
GRANT Jenna: Seeing And Believing: The Cultural Politics of Medical Imaging in Cambodia.
Wednesday September 9
LATINIS Kyle : Historical Ecology in Wallacea and Sunda: A Comparison of Maluku (east Indonesia) and Cambodia
July 16, 2009
MARSTON John: 1979 Ordinations in Cambodia
June 17, 2009
LABBE Lucie : Performing Tradition and Folklore: Dance as a Cultural Practice to Build Cambodian Identity (Preliminary Findings)
April 29, 2009
THACH Deth : How to think about singularity and diversity of languages
April 27, 2009
FOREST Alain : Making a religious history of Cambodia : why and how ?
March 25, 2009
STOCK Emiko : "Beyond Ethnicity and Nation about the Elasticity of the social Borders among Chams
March 4, 2009
PILGRIM John : "Migration and rural livelihoods diversification in Battambang"
January 28, 2009
RICHER Denis : "Omission" in Khmer culture
November 28, 2008
BAIRD Ian : The Brao from southern Laos and northeastern Cambodia: Challenging the terminology of 'pre-colonial', 'colonial' and 'post-colonial' in the context of ethnic minorities in mainland Southeast Asia
November 19, 2008
GUERIN Mathieu : "Peasants of the Forest during the Colonial Era"
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