Pascale Hancart Petitet' HSHH Presentation.
Hancart Petitet Pascale, PhD
Research Fellow
Pasteur Institute, Bd Monivong, 5 BP 983 Phnom Penh Cambodia
Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research – AISSR
University of Amsterdam
Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX, Amsterdam
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For her PhD research Hancart Petitet conducted anthropological fieldwork in South India in partnership with the French Institute of Pondicherry. She documented the social and political dimension of birth in poor rural and urban communities. Since 2008, her research, conducted in collaboration with the Pasteur Institute in Cambodia, addresses issues related to the social construction and social production of birth control in the context of HIV. Her current research project funded by the French National Agency for Research on Aids and Sidaction aims to analyze the Women Reproductive Health Care Issues in the ANRS 12095 Cipra Kh001 Camelia Clinical Trial. This research stands at the intersections of reproduction politics, global flows of medical technologies, and social form and outcomes of inequalities.
Selected Publications
Hancart Petitet, Pascale, 2010. Des hôtesses de karaoké à Phnom Penh. Négociations des risques en santé de la reproduction. Mousson Recherche en sciences humaines sur l'Asie du Sud-Est. IRSEA - Institut de Recherche sur le Sud-Est Asiatique. N°15.
Hancart Petitet, Pascale, Les pratiques de soins de santé de la reproduction sont-elles à risques de transmission du VIH, VHB, VHC? Etudes de cas au Cambodge. Cahiers Santé, Volume 20, Numéro 1, 2010.
Hancart Petitet P & Desclaux A. 2010. Reproductive Health and HIV in Cambodia From Anthropology to Public Health. GReCSS, ANRS, Sidaction 76 pages.
Hancart Petitet, Pascale, Traitement social de la naissance dans le contexte du sida. Études de cas en Inde du Sud. Sciences Sociales et Santé. Volume 27, Numéro 2, Juin 2009
Hancart Petitet Pascale. 2008. Maternités en Inde du Sud. Des savoirs autour de la naissance au temps du sida. Edilivre, Paris, 446 pages.
Hancart Petitet Pascale, Nm Samuel, Alice Desclaux,Pragathi Vellore, 2008. VCY Special Issue: Missed Opportunities For HIV PMTCT A Case Study In South India. Aids Care, Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 3(02), pp. 120 - 125. DOI: 10.1080/17450120701867538
Hancart Petitet, Pascale, 2008. Dimension éthique de la recherche en Inde du Sud. A propos d’une étude anthropologique d’un programme de prévention de la transmission mère-enfant du VIH., [en ligne].
Hancart Petitet, Pascale ; 2007. Pragathi, Vellore. Ethnographic Views of valaikappu. A Pregnancy Rite in Tamil Nadu. Indian Anthropologist 37(1), Special Issue on the Ethnography of Healing (guest editor: L. Pordié).pp : 117-145
Hancart Petitet P. 2004. Anthropological Perspectives on HIV/AIDS Transmission During Delivery. Dans: P. Cohen & S. Solomon (dir.) AIDS and Maternity in India. From Public Health to Social Sciences Perspectives Emerging themes and Debates, Publication du Département de Sciences Sociales n.8, Institut Français de Pondichéry/ French Institute of Pondicherry. Pp:211-224.
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