

Topics : Urban Geography; Urban Planning

Research director: Professor Thierry Sanjuan

Founding: CNRS; MAEC Foundation; Center for Khmer Studies

Gabriel Fauveaud is a geographer who belong to the French laboratory PRODIG and the Sorbonne University. Since 2006, he works on the contemporary urban development / changes of Phnom-Penh. He started a Ph. D. in September 2008 based on the spatial expansion and the territorial transformation in Phnom-Penh. The purpose of his research is to understand the immovable properties strategies of the individual local actors and the foreign investors, as a “driving force” of the city changes. Beyond this, the response of the local authorities who face those fast transformations will be examined.

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Publication :

Gabriel Fauveaud, « Retour sur le drame de l’Île des Diamants : l’investissement immobilier des grands projets urbains à Phnom-Penh », EchoGéo [En ligne], Sur le vif 2011, mis en ligne le 03 mai 2011. Link Article PDF